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Freestanding Fireplaces

Freestanding Fireplaces

  • Showing 1 - 5 of 5 result
Amantii Freestanding - Amantii Freestanding -
    Amantii Cast Iron Freestand Electric Fireplace - Amantii Cast Iron Freestand Electric Fireplace -
      Sierra Flame Freestand Electric Fireplace - Sierra Flame Freestand Electric Fireplace -
        Sierra Flame Cast Iron Freestand Electric Fireplace - Sierra Flame Cast Iron Freestand Electric Fireplace -
          Sierra Flame Freestand Electric Fireplace - Sierra Flame Freestand Electric Fireplace -

            A distinctly European styled free standing electric fireplace from Sierra Flame by Amantii. This Fireplace features a beveled glass viewing area that gives an almost ‘see-thru’ effect on three sides. With no installation boundaries, no...


            The Cast Iron Free Stand Electric Stove, the iron electric fireplace A distinctly European-styled free-standing iron electric fireplace from  Sierra Flame by Amantii. This Fireplace features a beveled glass viewing area that gives an almost...


            The Freestand Electric Fireplace A distinctly European-styled free-standing electric fireplace from Sierra Flame by Amantii. This Fireplace features a beveled glass viewing area that gives an almost ‘see-thru’ effect on three sides. With no installation...


            The Cast Iron Free Stand Electric Stove A distinctly European-styled free-standing electric fireplace from  Sierra Flame by Amantii. This Fireplace features a beveled glass viewing area that gives an almost ‘see-thru’ effect on three sides....


            The Freestand Electric Fireplace 3 Sided Glass Fireplace (20″ width x 25″ high unit – 11 3/4″ depth) The stylish Cube-2025WM is a 3 sided electric fireplace that is truly innovative! The stunning flame presentation and...